what are the best shoes for knee or hip pain 1
what are the best shoes for knee or hip pain 1

If you find yourself constantly battling knee or hip pain, finding the right shoes can make all the difference. Whether it’s a result of aging, injury, or a medical condition, the discomfort can greatly impact your daily activities and overall quality of life. In this article, you’ll discover some of the best shoes specifically designed to alleviate knee or hip pain, allowing you to walk, run, and move with ease and comfort. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to a pain-free stride!

What Are The Best Shoes For Knee Or Hip Pain?

Factors to Consider

When it comes to choosing the best shoes for knee or hip pain, there are several important factors that you should consider. These factors can help alleviate discomfort, reduce stress on your joints, and improve your overall mobility and comfort. Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors:

Cause of Pain

First and foremost, it’s crucial to identify the cause of your knee or hip pain. Are you experiencing pain due to an injury, arthritis, or a specific condition? Understanding the underlying cause of your pain can help guide your shoe selection process and ensure that you choose the most appropriate footwear for your needs.

Type of Pain

Not all knee or hip pain is the same. Some individuals experience sharp, shooting pain, while others may have more generalized discomfort or achiness. By identifying the specific type of pain you are experiencing, you can choose shoes that provide targeted support and cushioning to alleviate your symptoms and improve your overall comfort.

Body Mechanics

Your body mechanics, or the way your body moves and functions, can play a significant role in knee and hip pain. It’s important to choose shoes that support your natural body mechanics and promote proper alignment. Look for shoes that encourage a neutral gait and provide stability and cushioning in the areas where you need it most.

Foot Arch

Understanding your foot arch is essential when selecting shoes for knee or hip pain. High arches, flat feet, or a natural arch can all impact the distribution of pressure throughout your feet and affect your knee and hip joints. Consider your foot arch type and choose shoes that offer appropriate arch support to help maintain proper alignment and reduce strain on your knees and hips.


Proper cushioning is crucial for individuals with knee or hip pain. Look for shoes that offer ample cushioning in the midsole and heel areas. This cushioning helps absorb shock and reduce the impact on your joints when walking or running. Opting for shoes with responsive cushioning can provide extra support and help alleviate discomfort.


Stability is another important factor to consider when selecting shoes for knee or hip pain. Look for shoes with a secure and supportive fit that prevents excessive movement of your foot and ankle. Shoes with stability features, such as a firm midsole or a supportive heel counter, can help improve your balance and reduce the risk of falls or further injury.


While stability is crucial, it’s also important to choose shoes that offer an appropriate level of flexibility. Your shoes should allow for natural foot movement and proper toe-off during walking or running. Shoes that are too stiff can create additional strain on your knees and hips, so finding a balance between stability and flexibility is essential.

Toe Box

The toe box, or the front part of the shoe that accommodates your toes, should provide enough room for your toes to move comfortably. Shoes with a narrow or constrictive toe box can lead to discomfort, blisters, and even exacerbate existing knee or hip pain. Ensure that the toe box of your chosen shoes offers sufficient space for your toes to spread out naturally.

Shoe Size

Wearing the correct shoe size is essential for optimal comfort and support. Ill-fitting shoes can exacerbate knee or hip pain and lead to various foot conditions. Take accurate measurements of your feet and consult the shoe size chart of the brand you are purchasing from. Remember, different brands may have slight differences in sizing, so trying on shoes and assessing the fit is always advisable.

Orthotic Compatibility

Orthotics are custom-made or over-the-counter inserts that can provide extra support and cushioning for your feet. If you already use orthotic devices or are considering using them for your knee or hip pain, it’s important to choose shoes that are compatible with these inserts. Look for shoes with removable insoles or a roomy design that can accommodate orthotics without compromising comfort or fit.

Knee Pain

If you are suffering from knee pain, finding the right shoes can make a world of difference in your comfort and mobility. Consider shoes with the following features:

Supportive Shoes

Supportive shoes provide stability and structure to help minimize excessive movement of the foot and ankle, which can alleviate knee pain. Look for shoes with a firm midsole and a secure fit to support your knees during movement.

Motion Control Shoes

Motion control shoes are designed to control overpronation, a common issue that can contribute to knee pain. These shoes typically have a rigid structure, a firm heel counter, and an arch support system to help align the foot and prevent excessive inward rolling.

Stability Shoes

Stability shoes strike a balance between cushioning and support. They typically feature a moderate level of cushioning and provide stability for individuals with mild to moderate pronation issues. These shoes can help reduce knee pain by promoting proper alignment and distributing pressure evenly.

Cushioned Shoes

Cushioned shoes excel at shock absorption, which can be beneficial for individuals experiencing knee pain. These shoes typically have ample cushioning in the midsole and heel areas to reduce the impact on your knees when walking or running.

Orthopedic Shoes

Orthopedic shoes are specially designed to accommodate various foot conditions, including knee pain. These shoes often feature removable insoles, deep toe boxes, and extra cushioning for enhanced comfort and support. Consider consulting with a healthcare professional to find the most suitable orthopedic shoes for your specific needs.

Hip Pain

For individuals experiencing hip pain, selecting the right shoes can provide tremendous relief and support. Look for shoes with the following features:

Low-Impact Shoes

Low-impact shoes are designed to minimize stress on your joints, including your hips. These shoes typically have thick cushioning and a flexible sole to absorb shock and provide a comfortable walking or running experience.

Stable Shoes

Stability is key for individuals with hip pain. Look for shoes that offer a secure and supportive fit, preventing excess motion of your feet and ankles. Shoes with a sturdy heel counter, a well-cushioned midsole, and a secure lacing system can enhance stability and reduce hip pain.

Shock-Absorbing Shoes

Hip pain can be exacerbated by excessive impact when walking or running. Consider shoes with excellent shock absorption properties to reduce the jarring effect on your hip joints. Look for shoes with responsive cushioning or a thick midsole that can effectively absorb and dissipate impact forces.

Cushioned Shoes

Cushioned shoes provide a soft and comfortable underfoot experience, which can be beneficial for individuals with hip pain. Look for shoes with ample cushioning in the midsole and heel areas to help distribute pressure evenly and reduce the strain on your hip joints.

Arch Support Shoes

Proper arch support is crucial for hip pain sufferers, as it helps maintain proper alignment and reduces stress on the hips. Look for shoes with built-in arch support or options that allow you to add custom orthotics to provide the necessary support for your feet.

Types of Shoes

Now that we have discussed the specific features to consider for knee and hip pain, let’s explore the different types of shoes that are suitable for individuals with joint discomfort:

Running Shoes

Running shoes are designed for individuals who engage in regular running or jogging activities. These shoes typically have ample cushioning, shock absorption properties, and stability features to support the feet and reduce the impact on the knees and hips.

Walking Shoes

If you prefer walking as your primary form of exercise or spend extended periods on your feet, walking shoes are a great option. These shoes provide cushioning, arch support, and stability to keep your feet comfortable and reduce stress on your knee and hip joints.

Cross-training Shoes

Cross-training shoes are versatile and suitable for a variety of activities, such as cardio exercises, weightlifting, and agility training. These shoes offer a balance of cushioning, stability, and flexibility, making them a good choice for individuals with knee or hip pain who engage in various types of workouts.

Orthopedic Shoes

Orthopedic shoes are specially designed to address foot and lower extremity conditions, including knee and hip pain. These shoes often feature extra depth, spacious toe boxes, and removable insoles that can accommodate custom orthotics. Orthopedic shoes provide excellent support and cushioning for individuals with specific foot needs.

Comfort Shoes

Comfort shoes prioritize cushioning, support, and overall foot comfort. They are ideal for individuals with knee or hip pain who are looking for everyday shoes that provide exceptional comfort and alleviate discomfort throughout the day.

Features to Look For

When searching for shoes to alleviate knee or hip pain, it’s crucial to pay attention to certain features that can enhance your overall comfort and provide the necessary support. Consider the following features when selecting your footwear:

Arch Support

Proper arch support helps distribute pressure evenly across your feet, which can reduce strain on your knees and hips. Look for shoes that offer built-in arch support or have removable insoles that can be replaced with custom orthotics to provide the necessary support for your arches.


Ample cushioning is crucial for individuals with knee or hip pain. Look for shoes that have generous cushioning in the midsole and heel areas to absorb shock and minimize impact when walking or running.

Shock Absorption

Shock absorption is essential to reduce the strain on your knee and hip joints. Look for shoes that have responsive cushioning or features like air or gel pockets that effectively absorb and dissipate impact forces.


Stability features are essential to prevent excessive foot and ankle movement, which can contribute to knee or hip pain. Consider shoes with a supportive heel counter, a firm midsole, and a secure fit to provide stability and improve your gait.


While stability is crucial, it’s also important to choose shoes that offer a certain level of flexibility. Look for shoes that allow for natural foot movement and proper toe-off during walking or running. This flexibility can help reduce strain on your knees and hips.


Breathable shoes can help keep your feet dry, cool, and comfortable, reducing the risk of skin irritations or blister formation. Look for shoes with mesh or perforated uppers that promote airflow and allow moisture to escape.

Toe Box

A roomy toe box is essential for individuals with knee or hip pain. Shoes with a wide toe box provide ample space for your toes to splay naturally, leading to better stability and reduced pressure on the front of your feet.

Heel Counter

The heel counter, or the back part of the shoe that cups your heel, should provide a secure and supportive fit. Look for shoes with a sturdy heel counter that prevents excessive foot movement and promotes proper alignment.


The outsole of the shoe is the bottom part that makes contact with the ground. Look for shoes with a durable, non-slip outsole that provides good traction and stability, reducing the risk of slips and falls.


The insole is the inner part of the shoe that provides cushioning and support to your feet. Consider shoes with removable insoles that allow you to customize the level of support and cushioning by using orthotics or inserts that cater to your specific needs.

Recommended Brands

Several footwear brands are renowned for their quality, comfort, and support. While personal preference may vary, consider the following brands when looking for shoes to alleviate knee or hip pain:


Brooks offers a wide range of shoes designed for runners and walkers. Their shoes often feature excellent cushioning, stability features, and arch support to help alleviate knee or hip pain.

New Balance

New Balance is known for its extensive range of running shoes, walking shoes, and cross-trainers. They offer shoes in various widths and sizes, allowing for a more customized fit. New Balance shoes typically provide excellent stability, cushioning, and arch support.


ASICS is highly regarded for its running shoes, which offer exceptional cushioning and stability features. Their shoes often feature gel cushioning systems that effectively absorb shock and reduce the strain on your knees and hips.


Skechers is known for its comfortable and stylish footwear. They offer a variety of walking shoes that provide ample cushioning and support, making them a great choice for individuals with knee or hip pain.

Hoka One One

Hoka One One is renowned for its maximalist running shoes that provide superior cushioning and shock absorption. These shoes can help reduce the impact on your knees and hips and offer excellent comfort for long walks or runs.


Dansko is a brand known for its high-quality, comfortable, and supportive footwear. They offer a variety of shoes, including clogs and sneakers, that provide excellent arch support and cushioning for individuals with knee or hip pain.


Merrell specializes in outdoor footwear, offering a range of comfortable and supportive shoes for walkers and hikers. Their shoes often feature durable outsoles, excellent cushioning, and stability to enhance your overall comfort and support.


Vionic is a brand that focuses on providing footwear with built-in support and orthotic-like features. Their shoes often feature biomechanical technology that helps realign your feet, ankles, and knees to reduce pain and discomfort.


ECCO is known for its high-quality footwear that combines comfort, style, and functionality. Their shoes often feature excellent cushioning, arch support, and stability, making them a popular choice for individuals with knee or hip pain.


Nike offers a wide range of running shoes, walking shoes, and cross-trainers that provide excellent cushioning and support. Their shoes often incorporate innovative technologies to enhance comfort, stability, and shock absorption.

Orthotic Compatibility

Many individuals with knee or hip pain benefit from the use of custom orthotics or shoe inserts. Here are some options to consider:

Custom Orthotics

Custom orthotics are specifically designed to address your unique foot needs. These custom-made inserts provide targeted support and cushioning to alleviate pain and improve overall foot function. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine if custom orthotics are right for you.

Over-the-Counter Orthotics

Over-the-counter orthotics are pre-made inserts that can provide support and cushioning for individuals with knee or hip pain. These inserts are available at most drugstores and can be a cost-effective option for those seeking additional support for their feet.

Shoe Inserts

Shoe inserts, also known as insoles, can be inserted into your existing shoes to provide extra support and cushioning. These inserts are available in various sizes and can help alleviate discomfort and improve foot function.

Heel Cups

Heel cups are inserts that provide cushioning and support for the heel area. These inserts can be beneficial for individuals with heel pain or those seeking additional shock absorption for their knees and hips.

Arch Supports

Arch supports are inserts that provide targeted support for your arches. By improving arch support, these inserts can help reduce strain on your knees and hips and alleviate discomfort.

Special Considerations

In addition to the factors and features discussed earlier, there are some special considerations to keep in mind when selecting shoes for knee or hip pain. These considerations include:

Wide Feet or Narrow Feet

If you have wide feet or narrow feet, it’s crucial to find shoes that accommodate your specific foot width. Some brands offer shoes in various width options, so be sure to check the available sizes and choose accordingly.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a common condition that causes heel pain and can contribute to knee or hip pain. Look for shoes that provide excellent arch support, cushioning in the heel area, and shock absorption to help alleviate symptoms associated with plantar fasciitis.


Bunions can cause pain and discomfort in the feet and may contribute to knee or hip pain due to altered foot mechanics. Look for shoes with a wide toe box that can accommodate bunions and reduce pressure on the affected areas.


Arthritis can affect the knees and hips, causing pain and stiffness. When choosing shoes for arthritis, look for options with excellent cushioning, shock absorption, and stability to support and protect your joints.

Flat Feet

Flat feet can contribute to knee and hip pain due to altered foot mechanics and lack of arch support. Look for shoes that offer adequate arch support to help maintain proper alignment and reduce strain on your knees and hips.

High Arches

High arches can also contribute to knee and hip pain due to the increased pressure on specific areas of the feet. Look for shoes that offer extra cushioning and support to help distribute pressure evenly and alleviate discomfort.

Solutions for Knee or Hip Pain

While finding the right shoes is essential for managing knee or hip pain, there are other solutions and lifestyle modifications that can help alleviate your symptoms and improve your overall well-being:

Consulting a Medical Professional

If you are experiencing persistent knee or hip pain, it’s crucial to consult a medical professional, such as a doctor or a podiatrist. They can provide a proper diagnosis, recommend appropriate treatment options, and offer guidance on footwear choices specific to your condition.

Proper Shoe Sizing

Wearing shoes that fit properly is crucial for optimal comfort and support. Take accurate measurements of your feet and consult the shoe size chart of the brand you are purchasing from. Trying on shoes and assessing the fit is always advisable, as different brands may have slight differences in sizing.

Orthotic Devices

Custom orthotics or over-the-counter inserts can provide additional support and cushioning for your feet. Consider using orthotic devices that are compatible with your footwear to help alleviate knee or hip pain.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can help address the underlying causes of your knee or hip pain and improve strength, flexibility, and mobility. A physical therapist can provide exercises and techniques to help alleviate pain and restore function.

Modifying Activities

Avoiding or modifying activities that exacerbate your knee or hip pain can be beneficial. If certain exercises or movements worsen your symptoms, consider modifying your routine or seeking alternatives that place less stress on your joints.

Regular Exercise

Engaging in regular low-impact exercises can help strengthen your muscles, improve joint stability, and alleviate knee or hip pain. Activities such as swimming, cycling, or gentle yoga can be excellent options for individuals with joint discomfort.

Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for individuals with knee or hip pain. Excess weight can place additional stress on your joints, exacerbating pain and discomfort. Maintaining a balanced diet and engaging in regular exercise can help manage your weight and reduce strain on your knees and hips.

Rest and Recovery

Rest and recovery are crucial for individuals with knee or hip pain. Ensure that you allow your body adequate time to recover between workouts or periods of activity. Incorporate rest days into your routine, and listen to your body’s signals to avoid overexertion.


Choosing the right shoes for knee or hip pain is an important step in managing your discomfort and improving your overall quality of life. By considering factors such as the cause of pain, type of pain, body mechanics, foot arch, cushioning, stability, flexibility, toe box, shoe size, and orthotic compatibility, you can find shoes that provide the necessary support and cushioning for your specific needs.

Whether you are dealing with knee or hip pain, there are shoe options available to address your unique requirements. From supportive and motion control shoes to stability and cushioned shoes, you can find the perfect fit for your feet. Additionally, considering various shoe types, such as running shoes, walking shoes, cross-training shoes, orthopedic shoes, and comfort shoes, will provide you with a range of options to tailor your footwear to your lifestyle and activities.

Remember to look for features such as arch support, cushioning, shock absorption, stability, flexibility, breathability, toe box, heel counter, outsole, and insole when selecting your shoes. These features can enhance your overall comfort and reduce stress on your knees and hips.

There are several recommended brands known for their quality, comfort, and support, including Brooks, New Balance, ASICS, Skechers, Hoka One One, Dansko, Merrell, Vionic, ECCO, and Nike. By exploring these brands, you can find shoes that prioritize your comfort and help manage your knee or hip pain.

Orthotic compatibility is essential for individuals using custom orthotics or shoe inserts. Choose shoes that are compatible with your orthotic devices, such as custom orthotics, over-the-counter orthotics, shoe inserts, heel cups, or arch supports, to ensure proper support and cushioning.

Lastly, special considerations such as wide feet or narrow feet, plantar fasciitis, bunions, arthritis, flat feet, and high arches should be taken into account when selecting shoes. By addressing these considerations, you can further tailor your footwear to your specific needs and alleviate additional discomfort.

In conjunction with proper footwear, consider implementing strategies such as consulting a medical professional, ensuring proper shoe sizing, using orthotic devices, engaging in physical therapy, modifying activities, regular exercise, weight management, and rest and recovery. These solutions can further support your pain management efforts and enhance your overall well-being.

Remember, finding the best shoes for knee or hip pain may involve some trial and error. It’s important to listen to your body, assess your comfort levels, and make adjustments as needed. With the right shoes and lifestyle modifications, you can alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enjoy a more active and comfortable lifestyle.

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Ryan Simmons
I'm Ryan Simmons, a passionate running enthusiast and shoe enthusiast. I have been running since I was a kid and never looked back. I started the website Max Shoes Running to share my knowledge and experience with other running aficionados. I have extensively researched the best shoes for running and am constantly testing new shoes to find the best ones for different runners. I'm also a big fan of sharing running tips and advice to help others reach their running goals. I'm always looking for new and innovative ways to improve my running, and I'm sure I can help you too.